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Master Data Solutions Delivered, Starting at FREE

Is Your Data 100% Accurate?

Studies have found that almost 40% of organizations have material errors in their financial reporting, which has severe consequences for the CFO and their team. The problem is not reporting software, it is because the data integration software used by companies to feed reporting only pumps data between systems and does not have the data controls required to prevent common errors between systems such as:

·       Accounts

·       Entities

·       Departments

·       Other reporting hierarchy changes reported by separate work groups across the enterprise. That failure requires many separate manual reconciliations by finance and operational teams like this:

And your auditors? They know this risk all too well because they get lost in a maze of documentation spread across perhaps 100’s of different locations with just as many reconciliations. This leads to audit findings, and you know all too well, it’s never good to be named in an audit report. These challenges are more common than many are willing to admit – and solving them is what we do for you. This manual data and metadata reconciliation effort has you spending far too much time and far too much money “solving” the following problems:

Master Data Inconsistency

Your reporting software is fine, but they left out the one thing you need to make it work

Data Accuracy

3 Reasons why bad data is killing your AI & Transformation initiatives

Untimely Reporting

Why you can’t get real time reporting

These errors have caused many accounting, finance, and operations leaders to be terminated because they “Missed It” one too many times. These errors happen commonly when a finance team cannot see data & metadata changes as data flows between systems using manual tools like Excel, email, and phone calls. This is why almost 40% of businesses have reported an error in their recent reports. This can impact: Reputations, stock values, and your career. There is no shame here. You’re not alone in the issues you face; they are common and finally solvable with Masterful Data and fixing it may not cost you anything. We use the HIT process to bring you back to the promise that integrated reporting systems were meant to deliver instead of the lawless chaos they can cause.


We provide clear SLA’s for service delivery with no ambiguity that causes customers to be disappointed


The cost of the software starts at Zero and if you require support, that support is delivered in flexible tiers that are affordable. We believe our ROI model is very tough to beat.


Why you can’t get real time reporting

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